At friday we met Aya again at our hotel^^ Unfortunately she came primal at 1 pm and told us that her friend has overslept and would come one hour later >.< I was so bored of waiting for doing something. The weather was so great and we were just sitting in our hotel room for hours...
At 2.30 pm Aya's friend - Yatchi - finally fetched us by car from our hotel. His appearence was really cool: standing beside his car, dressed with a black sark and cool sunglasses XD
So it was our first time to drive over the Japanese highways *_* His style of driving was really cool and casual, Kiki and I liked it very much *yay*
Yatchi-kun while driving |
We had a good look over the city from the higher laid highways. We headed towards Saitama prefecture because Aya and Yatchi planned to take us to an amusement park there which has an great illumination after it became dark.
On the way we stopped at an Chinese restaurant for lunch. It was quite nice and the meals are much more good looking and tastier than in Germany. You really can't compare it. I didn't want to eat that much so I just chose a set of Gyouza and fried rice. But it was really delicious (and I love Gyouza *_*).
Chinese dish |
After almost two hours driving we finally arrived at the amusement park. It looked good. In front of where many panda vehicles so I liked to take pictures on it X3
Yatchi, me & Kiki |
We bought a Night Pass for the park so it was cheaper than normal. The fee was 1.300 円 that was okay and we could also use some attractions with it.
First we came by some gaming machines till we arrived at a mirror house which we entered. It was really funny and some kind of scary because it was really hard to find the way out. First we ended back at the entrance^^; So we were glad when we finally found the exit XD
We also came by a Wiking ship, an octupus carousel, a ferris wheel, a rollercoaster (but it was out of function) and the funiest thing: the 'Hello Kitty Märchen Town' *lol*
It was so cute^o^
Wiking ship & kraken carousel |
entrance of the Hello Kitty Märchen Town |
Aya and Yatschi even rided the 'Angel Coaster' there XD It was really cute how they stand in line with the kids (which weren't much smaller than them^^;). But we alltogether took a ride on the Hello Kitty train, we made so much fun of it *lol*
Kiki and I also spotted a huge Pikachu figure^o^
We became so childish, but it was so cute and we felt like children again XD
cuddling Pikachu^.^ |
After the childish attractions Kiki, Yatchi and I decided to go on a rotating tower. It got slowly high in the air and rotated there for some minites before it went down. You have a really good look down from there^^
the rotating tower |
Fortunately the illumination started when we were on our way up. Everyone sceamed in excitement because it was such a great view, I can't really describe it *_*
illuminated park from above |
illuminated parc from above |
Back down we went through the parc walks and the illumination was soooo great!!! We couldn't believe it. I have never seen such beautiful lights before.
glitter forest |
It was so awesome *_*
In the meantime they had played a nice song to which the illumination changed its colours and brightness. It was really cool and also a bit romantic^.^
On the way to the exit we stopped by the gaming machines and also made Purikura XD
Finally we left. But we decided to hang around a little longer togehter and went for a drink in Ebisu (area next to Shibuya in Tokyo). Yatschi knew a good place there. It was a passgeway where one bar was next to another. It was a loud and crowded place but the lively atmosphere was great! We managed to get a free table at a bar specializing in fried chicken (Karage). So we ordered some variations of Karage and for me one more tie Gyoza XD
view through the crowded passage way |
our dishes |
Of course we also ordered beer and for Aya and me Kalhua Milk X3 It was a really funny round. Some time later Yatchi's friend Shio came by because he lives in this area and joined us^^
Kiki, Shio and Yatchi |
But the most interesting aspect was that Kiki put an eye (resp. both XD) on one of the waitors. He was really handsome and had a nice smile^^ After time he surely recognized that Kiki was staring at him but it was cute how he smiled when she made the next order towards him (only him XD). The guys were also laughing because it was quite entertaining how Kiki thought about how to get to know something about the guy.
But Yatchi was proactive and asked him when the waitor has to work and how long he had to stay this night in the bar. He had to work all night (till 4 am) so Kiki liked to stay till then and our last train would leave the station at 00:14 am... but for what are taxis driving around. Kiki would pay so Aya and I said anothing against the idea to stay some time longer...
Around 00:15 am Yatchi and Shio had to leave so we girls were among us now. After six bear Kiki had the confidence to ask for his name^^v It's Keigo. So from now on she could ask everything we want from 'Keigo-san' X3
Keigo between me and Kiki X3 |
So after this little success we could leave at around 1:30 am but surely not without saying 'I'll come again' by Kiki to Keigo. So our next visit will be on Tuesday, I'm excited what will come of it^^ (plan will be fixed till then)
So it was an interesting evening for me. The taxi ride was also good and not so expensive than we thought (we had to pay around 25 EUR from Ebisu to Hamatsuchou, that is not too much for nighttime).
Because of our drunken state we just fell asleep at our hotel. The next day will be Kiki's earlier birthday party with the other guys so I guess we will drink again and it will be an even longer night^^;
Bye bye!
wow~ was ihr alles macht ^^
ReplyDeleteDer Amusement Park ist voll cool XD und das Pikachu und das hello Kitti Zeugs XD wär voll mein Ding <3
und die Licher erstmal *o* aber krass, dass von deine Höhenangst irgendwie nix mehr übriggeblieben ist, oder???
Na ja und die Sache mit Keigo kannte ich ja schon so halb XD
Bin gespannt, was ihr euch für ihn einfallen lasst XD zettel mit e-mail?? ~haha
tja... ich versuch einfach mal nicht zuuuuu neidisch auf euch zu sein -.-° ....wärend ich den ganzen Tag zuhause gesessen habe und Hausaufgaben gemacht habe -.-° Muss ziemlich viel japanisch nachholen für den Uni-Japanisch Kurs... die sind so viel weiter als in Kikis und meinem Kurs.... ich glaub ich schaff das net -.-° Katakana, viele Kanji (über 50) und so viele Grammatiksachen.... mein Hirn explodiert bald -.-°
euch trotzdem viel Spaß weiterhin <3 <3 <3