July 14, 2013

Garden Feast in the EKO House of Japanese Cultures

Yesterday I went to EKO House of Japanese Cultures in Duesseldorf because they held a garden feast and showed traditional Japanese arts: Taiko, Koto Play, Traditional Dance, Bon-Dance, singer, choir of the kindergarten and self-defense demonstration.

The feast started at 3 pm but the house was opened since 1 pm for the public. Entrance fee was 6,- €, that was okay. In the house itself was an Ikebana exhibition shown, so because I arrived at half past 2 I took some time to watch the exhibition. It was nice and very modern.

Ikebana Exhibition
special placed Ikebana
At 3 pm the first Taiko group started. I love Taiko and the group was really good^^

Taiko in front of the temple
On a stage in the middle of the garden followed the childrens' choir of the EKO kindergarden. Their singing wasn't so good but the children were really cute with their dancing XD

the children singing and dancing
After the children some Japanese women dressed in beautiful kimono performed traditional dances (also with umbrellas and fans). Also a group of little children (5 years old) did a performance! They did all really well! After this traditional dancing they invited everyone to take part in the bon-dancing. Bon feasts are Japanese summer feast where everyone dances around the stage in the same way. Every song has its special dance and it's quite easy so everyone can take part in it. It was really cool, some people came up on stage and others did the gesticulation and claps on their places.

women dancing
children's dance
Next was a Japanese female singer, her songs were accomapnied by one Taiko drum. That was cool and the singer's voice was really nice.

The Koto Play afterwards was very relaxing then. Five women played on huge Kotos, it was very beautiful.

Koto Player
For the change followed the self-defense demonstration. It was a group from Wuppertal and some moves were quite impressive.

pupils and sensei
The finish made another Taiko group - Wadokyo from Duesseldorf - THEY were really AMAZING! Their drums were soooo cool (that I didn't take any photos *drop* just videos^^;) 

It was the perfect end for a perfect feast^^


  1. was in Düsseldorf immer alles so los ist ^^
    die Frauen in den Kimonos sehen toll aus und der bon-dance erinnert mich an Tokyo, wo du mitgetanzt hat XXDDD

    aber du benutzt immer das wort "feast"... ich glaub damit ist eher ein religöses Fest gemeint... oder sind solche Festivals in Japan religiös? ...würde sonst eher "festival" oder so schreiben...
    aber vllt. irre ich mich auch ^^°

    übernächstes WE gibt's dann erstmal keine jap. Tradition zu sehen XD Da gibt's Star Wars Kultur XD

  2. Echt tolle Bilder. Ich bin ganz begeistert von den japanischen Frauen in ihren Kimono und den kleinen Kindern. Wirklich toll. Ich glaube in Düsseldorf sind öfter solche Feste, oder? Naja, bei der japanischen Bevölkerung dort, ja auch kein Wunder. XD''
