July 23, 2013

Presents from Japan

On Saturday a letter from my mailfriend from Nara arrived. She already told me that she will send cards to all of her friends in summer and that I will get one, too, but I didn't expect it that early. Besides she sent me super cute presents along with a very cool folded card *_*

my presents
The Card is a little Matsuri-Shop where you can get cold drinks and you can do Goldfish Catching. The Card is so detailed, I'm very impressed!

the folded card
Her message stood on the other side of the card besides she painted the envelope with a Japanese summer scene.

She also sent me a tea cloth. The motiv is a really cute Kitty eating a melon XD I love it!

isn't it cute?
And my favourite gift: a little wallet in the shape of a carp *_*
It's so cute (yeah, I know, everything is cute XD) and beautiful, I could play with it all day like a kitty *lol* (the gift paper was also printed with cute kitties X3)

carp wallet
I'm really overwhelmed by these great presents!!!

Now I have to think of something in return >.< Why does Germans have no special traditions for summer?!


  1. Wirklich tolle und hübsche Sachen. Ich habe auch eine Brieffreundin in Japan die mir hin und wieder Kleinigkeiten schickt und ich freue mich immer wie an Weihnachten, wenn ich eins ihrer Päckchen aus dem Briefkasten ziehe. Die Sachen sind echt toll und die Karte finde ich besonders schön. <3

  2. ooooh~ das Kätzchen mit der Wassermelone ist aber auch wirklich cuuuute XD kawaiii koneko-chan <3
    Und erst das Karpador-Portmonee XD sooo geil XD
    jaaaa ne Sommertradition haben wir wirklich nicht... Grillen im Sommer... kannst ihr ja ein Steak schicken XD nee fällt mir auch nix ein ^^°
    bye <3
