December 20, 2012

photo book about Japan & sweet bento

On monday I wanted to present my photobook about my Japan journey to my collegues. After a few weeks I finally managed to get the book done >.<

front cover

back of the book

When I invite others for something, I like to offer them some selfmade food^.^
So this time I made a great bento box full of little sweets: mini anpan (japanese bun with anko filling, some kind of nut bread, matcha roll (also with anko filling) and melon candy.

Matcha Roll, nut bread & candy

mini anpan

My collegues like it when I offer them Japanese food to taste^.^
So all together it was every nice.

1 comment:

  1. Ich will das Buch sehen !!!! XXDDD
    Auf der Rückseite ist ja unser Fest mit deinem Tanz XXDDD
    und die ganzen leckeren Sachen Q____Q mit anko Füllung >.< <3 ich will auch sowas leckeres~ haha
    immer schön, deinen blog zu lesen ^^ <3
